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Below we attach the necessary instructions to access the online platform with Dra. Juncà.

To be able to use the online platform, you must access the following link:

You will need to register and fill in all your details (first time only). From the platform you will be able to consult medical documents and have access to all your medical history as well as administrative documentation. If this is the first time you access the platform, you must register:

Registrar a EMIN.png

You must enter all the requested data, where you put PAS/NRT you must enter the NIF, you must enter your email. The patient undertakes to provide all the required data, it is the patient's responsibility to ensure the veracity of the data provided, which will be used for the completion of the medical history, administrative procedures and the creation of the corresponding invoice.

Registrar a EMIN (2).png

Once registered in the system (you only have to do it the first time), send an email, you will be assigned an agreed day and time according to availability for the online visit.


The following questions attempt to resolve all the doubts that may arise regarding online visits. If you do not find the information you are looking for, send an email todrajunca@gmail.comwith the doubt and we will try to solve it:

What does the online visit consist of?

It is a telematic connection through a digital platform, in which the usual procedure of a face-to-face endocrinological visit will be followed.

What is the fee for the online visit?
The price of the first consultation is 300€, while the fee for follow-up visits is 230€. The total amount must be paid by credit card at least 48 hours before the scheduled date of the visit. Payment will be made at the time of confirming the reservation through the REDSYS payment platform. 

With which platform will the online visit be carried out?
The telematic visit is scheduled to take place preferably with JITSI and as a second option SKYPE or  ZOOM. If it was not possible, it could be done with some other platform with prior agreement.

How long does the online visit last?
The online visit lasts approximately 55 minutes.

Will I receive a medical report from the online visit?
The content of the visit will be recorded in a clinical report that  will be issued in PDF format and delivered via email approximately 48 hours after the online visit.

The recording, by any means, of the telematic visit is totally prohibited.

Dr. Juncà is agreed with a mutual?
Dr. Juncà is not contracted with any mutual, it is up to the patient to check if his mutual will pay for the telematic visit.

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